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Tour Mount Carmel:
Where Elijah Defeats the False Prophets

There are many mountains higher than Mount Carmel - but you'll find none as spiritually lofty, thanks to way Scripture comes there - at the very place where Elijah faced off against the prophets of Ba'al (1 Kings 18:18-45).

Every time you open your Bible at home from now on, you'll remember how you felt when the landscape itself told you its story. Standing atop Mount Carmel, with the Mediterranean Sea glistening in the distance on one side and the Kishon Stream snaking through the Jezreel Valley below you on the other, you can almost hear the pathetic wailing of the prophets of Ba'al and Elijah's voice booming out as he mocks them: "Shout louder...surely he is a god. Perhaps he is deep in thought or busy..."

Standing atop Mount Carmel, with the Mediterranean Sea glistening in the distance ..., you can almost hear the pathetic wailing of the prophets of Ba'al and Elijah's voice booming out
Then Elijah called on the name of the Lord, who sent fire from heaven to consume the burnt offering, "the wood, the stones and the soil..." Outside the church at the traditional site (whose ancient name, Muhraqa, means "place of burning)" you'll find jagged boulders splotched with black as if scorched. At Mount Carmel, you your faith will rise to new heights when you declare, as the Israelites did, right where you now stand, "the Lord, he is God."

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